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  • What Are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?

    NFTs (non-fungible tokens) offer an innovative method for digital content owners to claim ownership. Utilizing blockchain, NFTs create unique identifiers which cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided, similar to certificates of authenticity often associated with expensive art pieces but applicable digital content instead.
    NFTs enable artists and musicians to sell digital assets directly to their fans without going through middlemen like Spotify, YouTube, and Facebook — keeping more of the revenue for themselves.
    Artists have increasingly turned to New Financing Technologies (NFTs). NFTs allow them to reach their audience and sell digital art more effectively than posting it on platforms that do not allow control over how it will be utilized.
    Artists can create NFTs across a range of fields, such as art and music, sports, and video gaming. When their masterpieces are complete, they can sell them through multiple online marketplaces such as OpenSea, SuperRare, or Artblocks — to name just three examples.
    NFTs have grown increasingly popular and reached jaw-dropping prices. Some, like Pak’s ‘The Merge,’ have sold for $91.8 million, while Krista Kim of Toronto’s Mars House sold for an incredible $500,000.
    As with other investments, the price of an NFT will depend on supply and demand rather than fundamental indicators like cryptocurrency or economic performance. As with any investment decision, it is crucial to be mindful of any risks when investing in NFTs — just as with other forms of asset investment.
    When purchasing NFTs, it’s essential that your wallet be filled with cryptocurrency as well as create an account with the NFT marketplace you’re buying from so that you can access their platform safely and trade your NFTs.
    Non-fungible tokens have long been around, yet recently their technology has seen explosive growth. Non-fungible tokens provide a new method for storing and trading digital assets ranging from images to songs to complete 3D models.
    Blockchains, or distributed databases that record transactions and prevent counterfeit currency creation form the backbone of NFTs. Each NFT has a unique ID code entered into the blockchain that ensures its integrity is not copied or substituted with another item.
    Ergo, it makes the ID code immutable and irreplaceable — the equivalent of buying physical artwork or jewelry with an official certificate of authenticity, which is why people invest in rare art in the first place.
    Tokenizing physical assets as NFTs has many advantages, such as reducing fraud risk and speeding up sales processes.
    NFTs’ primary benefit lies in their potential to help decentralize the internet, giving more power back to creators. Artists using NFTs can sell their work directly to fans — which enables them to build an audience more easily while making more money than through selling through traditional platforms.

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